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Web Portfolio

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Web Design and Development One

This is my porfolio of work from web design 1. In my portfolio I will demonstrate my understanding of CSS 3, Javascript, and HTML 5.

Unit 2

In Unit two, my journey into the world of coding in HTML began. Mr. Amalong First taught us the basic items that all HTML must have to function, including the head, body, paragraph, and title tags. We then learned how to create ordered and unordered lists using the ol and ul tags. Links were also taught, we learned how to link to both local files and files on the internet.

List of useful things learned

In the coming units, I am looking forewarn to expanding my knowledge of HTML, and I am also looking forward to learning CSS and JavaScript.

Unit 3

About my color scheme: The color scheme I have chosen includes a variety of blue colors complimented by a shade of yellow. I think that these two colors meld together wonderfully and give a pleasing appearance to my webpage.

About my typography selection: I chose a sans-serif font because I prefer the look of it to serif fonts. The font for the majority of my text is the Istok Web font found on Google fonts.

Now that I have completed unit three, I have a aqured a very basic yet applicable knowledge of css and it's applications. My favorite section was on the box model and page layout techniques, as they are things I had never really thought about before, but now, whenever I look at a web page, I notice it right away. Also I think that the layout of the page can have a larger effect on the appearance of a web page that either typography or color. Below is an unordered list summarizing the items learned in this unit.

List of items learned

Unit 4


In unit 4, we learned how to properly apply various graphics to web pages. various image manipulation tools were also discussed, so that images may be edited in order to better suit the creators specific needs for the graphic. What follows Is a list containg some of the main concepts learned about in this unit.

List of topics covered

Unit 5

Unit five covered the basics of scripting, with an emphasis on the language JavaScript. Specific JavaScript activities conducted included creating buttons that edit CSS properties, creating an alert, and creating a clock. Client side vs. server side scripts were discussed, and common server scripting languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, and Java were introduced. Following is a list of JavaScript topics discussed.

List of JavaScript topics covered

Unit 6

In this chapter we learned about quality control. The HTML and CSS validators on W3C were used to ensure that our code was valid. We also used an accessibility checker to rate the accessibility on the GBHS home page.

List of Informative topics

Unit 7

This is my journal for unit 7